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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Mount Your Flashdisk on Linux

Now, flashdisk is a famous device that usually use by people to save their data. It's all because flashdisk price for any size become cheaper. For people that become a new linuxer, mount a flashdisk can make a problem. In linux, every device readed as file include our flashdisk. You can check /dev directory to see what device that avaible on your computer.
To mount a flashdisk is not difficult. I always do this step to mount a flashdisk:

1. Command below are to find about what type of device of flashdisk that linux read.

#dmesg | grep sda

2. After you get the device, create the mount point

#mkdir /mnt/sda

3. Mount the flashdisk on /mnt/sda

# mount /dev/sda /mnt/sda (asummed that your flashdisk readed as /dev/sda)

For auto mount, you can add some rules on /etc/fstab files..
assumed that your flashdisk are /dev/sda you can add :

/dev/sda /mnt/sda auto user,rw,auto 0 0

easy right? the device not only /dev/sda, may be :


and many more...
But the device are usually used are /dev/sda until /dev/sdc1..
On new distro linux, flashdisk can mounted otomaticly..

How to unmount your flashdisk?
Just type
# umount /mnt/sda
# eject /dev/sda

May be some people say that this method not practice,it's all because Linux are distro for people never tired to try, learn, and ask.. So keep learning cause knowledge are power..^^

note: You can use mount utility to mount harddisk device or floppy too..

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