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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Using MSAgent on Your VB .NET Aplication

MSAgent or Microsoft Agent is a software technology that enables an enriched form of user interaction that can make using and learning to use a computer, easier and more natural.

With the Microsoft Agent set of software services, developers can easily enhance the user interface of their applications and Web pages with interactive personalities in the form of animated characters. These characters can move freely within the computer display, speak aloud (and by displaying text onscreen), and even listen for spoken voice commands. When used effectively with a conversational interface approach, Microsoft Agent can be a powerful extension and enhancement of the existing interactive modalities of the Microsoft Windows interface.

Bellow is the example code To use MSAgent on Visual Basic .NET..
Public Class Form1
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
Dim Character As AgentObjects.IAgentCtlCharacter
Dim sChar As String

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
' The path to the character file
sChar = Application.StartupPath & "\merlin.acs"
' Load the character
agtAgent.Characters.Load("merlin.acs", sChar)

' Set the "Character" declaration to be the character
' just loaded
Character = agtAgent.Characters("merlin.acs")

' Set the character's language to english
Character.LanguageID = &H409

'Show the Agent Character into Desktop

'Make the agent to Move
Character.MoveTo(1100, 600, 5)

'Make the agent to play some animations..

Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show("Description: " & _
ex.Message, "Error!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, _
End Try

End Sub
End Class
If you didn't have MSAgent on your Computer, you can download it from

For demo Aplication Click here to download file

For Source Code Click here to download file

Monday, September 15, 2008

[NEW] Hacking Friendster Private Photo Part 2

Tomorrow when i look in internet, i found some interesting site. In that site,they give script to see friendster private photos.. Just open url bellow and enter the friendster target uid, and you can see the private photo that contain in that uid.

The URL are :


Hope usefull for you all..^^

Monday, September 8, 2008

[NEW] Hacking Private Photo Friendster

In FRIENDSTER, some people can hide some photos that they upload into friendster albums. Usually this photos is private picture or something like secret picture. If we want to see that picture, we must ask permission from the owner..
2 days ago, i found some hacking into this private photo, so we can see private photos from other people friendster account..
The 3 things that you must do to see the private photo is
1. target uid
example :
41082848 - is target UID ( it's just example, so find your target first )

2. target album id write this address into your addressbar"Your target uid here"

example :

Select View - Page Source from the browser menu, and then find "abAlbumPrivacy" near the word private

example :
 "abAlbumPrivacy-1" -- all you need is the number in the end of word,
in this case the number is 1 ( one )

3. Open"your target uid here"&a="album privacy id here"&page=0

example :

You will get result like this..


All you need is "rid":"851208344" -- remember the number "851208344" this is the photo id .

After the three thing finished, go back to the

right click on one of the image that apear, and then choose properties. See under the image properties

location : ....

example :

location :

Copy the url into your address bar, and then replace the name of image with number that you got before..

example :

before -

the name of image is
1_363513051m.jpg, replace 363513051m with "851208344" that you get from "rid":"851208344", so now become 1_851208344.jpg

after -

Now you will see the private photos..^^

NB : if your target have more than one private photos, they must be have more than
"rid":"851208344" texts, just search the other number than "851208344" and do the last process in this article again.. Just use your brain.. =p

Friday, September 5, 2008

Text to Speech with VB .NET

Now Technology is very awesome and wonderfull.. Computer can do a some thing with our command, not just like that now computer can read text that we type and translate it into voice or Text to Speech.. Yesterday i try to make a little code with VB .NET to implement this text to Speech function to make an alarm. This alarm with alert us when this is time to lunch, dinner, or time to sleep. This aplication will also give a welcome message while the aplication loaded and good bye message if the aplication closed. All message will alert us with voice..

Bellow is the simple function to make texts that user input will be read with computer and translate it into voice.

Private Sub talk(ByVal str As String)
Dim oVoice As New SpeechLib.SpVoice
Dim cpFileStream As New SpeechLib.SpFileStream

'Set the voice type male or female and etc
oVoice.Voice = oVoice.GetVoices.Item(cmbVoices.SelectedIndex)

'Set the voice volume
oVoice.Volume = trVolume.Value

'Set the text that will be read by computer
oVoice.Speak(str, SpeechLib.SpeechVoiceSpeakFlags.SVSFDefault)
oVoice = Nothing
End Sub

To use this simple function, just insert the text that we want to be readed into function parameter

Example : talk("Hello World") ' This Function will make computer talk "Hello World"

For demo Aplication
Click here to download file

For Source Code Click here to download file

If you find an interesting things please share with me..^^

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

VB .NET to MySQL Database Connection

VB.NET is one of the most famous programming language. It's because .NET have a many feature and make programming more easy. In general, SQL Server is the database server that usualy used by user to store their data. But we can use another database that we can use. In this case, we will use MySQL. MySQL is one of database engine that used by many people in the world.

To make connection from VB.NET into MySQL we must do the following thing :
1. Download MySQL database engine from

2. Install the MySQL

3. After that, you must download the connector from VB.NET into MySQL from

4. To use the connector, just Import the reference of MySQL DotNet Connector from Project->Add Reference

5. Make one module to do a connection into MySQL

Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient

Module Connect
Public conn As New MySqlConnection

Public Sub ConnectDatabase()

If conn.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then
conn.ConnectionString = "DATABASE=" & your database &";" _
& "SERVER=" & your host & ";user id=" & your username _
& ";password=" & your password & ";port=" & Your MySQL Port (3306) & ";charset=utf8"

End If

Catch myerror As Exception
MsgBox("Connection Error")
End Try
End Sub

Public Sub DisconnectDatabase()
Catch myerror As MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException

End Try
End Sub
End Module

6. To connect to MySQL, just call the ConnectDatabase() from your form_load event

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Switch Between IPWRAW and IWL3945

On my previous post, i promise to post about the script to switch between ipwraw driver and iwl3945 driver for intel wireless card. There is the script..

switch to ipwraw :

echo "Unload Module..."
modprobe -r iwl3945
modprobe -r mac80211
modprobe -r ieee80211
echo "Load ipwraw module..."
modprobe ieee80211
modprobe mac80211
modprobe ipwraw
echo "Activing Monitor mode.."
ifconfig wifi0 up
airmon-ng start wifi0


switch to iwl3945


echo "Unload iwl3945 Module..."
airmon-ng stop wifi0
modprobe -r ipwraw
modprobe -r iwl3945
modprobe -r mac80211
modprobe -r ieee80211
echo "Load iwl3945 Module..."
modprobe ieee80211
modprobe mac80211
modprobe iwl3945
echo "Checking.."


You may be need a few modification to this script.. i hope this will be usefull..

Monday, July 14, 2008

Tweaking your Windows XP part 1

If you want your windows run faster. This is a several tips from the people to speed up your performance, without increase your hadware specification. I already try this tips, and the result is good enought..
It's not my own article, i just help to share it to you all.. bellow is the source website..

Source :

Action: Turn Off The XP Security Center

Purpose: Free up system resources.

More Info

Open the Services MMC: Press the Windows and R keys > in the resulting window type services.msc > in the resulting window scroll down to Security Center and double-click on it > In the "Startup type:" box use the arrow to scroll down to choose "Disabled" click Apply and reboot, or, click Apply and click the button that says Stop.

For a more in-depth guide and more options, see my article The Windows XP Security Center.

Tweaking System Properties

Action: Adjust Visual Effects

Purpose: Free up system resources.

More Info

Press the Windows & Pause Break keys > click the Advanced tab > under Performance click the Settings button >

Level 1 & 2 - uncheck all except "Use drop shadows for icon labels on the desktop" , "Smooth edges of screen fonts" , and "Use visual styles on windows and buttons" > click Apply and OK.

Level 3 - uncheck all except "Use drop shadows for icon labels on the desktop" , "Smooth edges of screen fonts" > click Apply and OK.

Level 4 - Choose the option Adjust for best performance > click Apply and OK.

Visual Effects Menu Options

Disabling each will eliminate the feature. Many of these effects are hardly noticeable anyway.

Animate Windows when minimizing and maximizing

“Slides” the window in/out of the task bar.

Fade or slide menu items into view

“Slides” Start menu options in/out.

Fade or slide ToolTips into view

“Slides” ToolTips in/out of view.

Fade out menu items after clicking

The menu item will appear to fade away after you click on it.

Show shadows under menus

Creates a shadow effect under menu/desktop items.

Show shadows under mouse pointer

Creates a shadow effect under mouse pointer.

Show translucent selection rectangle

When you select and object it will have a translucent highlight rather than solid.

Show window contents while dragging


Slide open combo boxes

“Slides” menu options in/out of the menu bar.

Slide taskbar buttons

What it says


Smooth edges of screen fonts

Makes screen fonts easier to read.

Smooth-scroll list boxes


Use background image for each folder type

Kinda pointless unless you have poor vision.

Use common tasks in folders

Use Common Tasks

(click thumbnail for larger image)

Don't Use Common Tasks

(click thumbnail for larger image)

Use drop shadows for icon labels on the desktop



Use visual styles on windows and buttons

Use Styles

(click thumbnail for larger image)

Don't Use Styles

(click thumbnail for larger image)

Don't close the System Properties window yet!

Action: Disable Error Reporting *All Levels

Purpose: Free up system/network resources.

More Info

This “feature” calls home to Microsoft and sends info about system errors. Click on the Error Reporting button on the bottom of the window > check the box that says Disable Error Reporting > uncheck the box that says But notify me when critical errors occur. click OK to close the window. Close out of these windows by choosing Apply/OK but leave the System Properties window open.

Action: Turn Off System Restore Levels 3 & 4 only

Purpose: Free up system resources.

More Info

Click on the System Restore tab and place a check mark in the Turn off System Restore on all drives box. Click Apply. ***If you do not use a backup program, DO NOT use this tweak!!! System Restore while using resources is a useful feature.

Action: Remove Old Restore Points

Purpose: Free up disk space.

More Info

If you keep System Restore active: To remove old system restore points go to Start > Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Disk Cleanup > select the drive XP is installed on and click OK > click the More Options tab > in the System Restore section, click the Clean up… button and Yes in the resulting screen.

Action: Turn Off Remote Assistance Levels 3 & 4 only

Purpose: Security. Free up system resources.

More Info

Click on the Remote tab. Uncheck both check boxes and click Apply and then OK .

Action: Turn Off Automatic Updates (or make a set schedule) Levels 3 & 4 only

Purpose: Free up system/network resources.

More Info

Click on the Automatic Updates tab…

Now, before you do anything here you need to consider a few things. Windows Update is an essential step in protecting your machine. Geeks know that MS used to release their updates on Wednesday. This allowed you to schedule Windows Update for late Wed. night or early Thur. morning. Since MS, in its infinite wisdom, decided to change their weekly updates to a monthly semi-schedule, we can’t do that anymore. If you are the type of person who keeps track of techie news, you’ll know the minute updates are released. With this in mind, we’ll disable Automatic Updating…

Click on the Automatic Updates tab > uncheck the box next to “Keep my computer up to date…”

A better option may be to schedule it to check for updates once a week:

Click on the Automatic Updates tab > check the box next to Automatic > pick a day and time. I would recommend sometime Wednesday morning.

Action: Turn Off Indexing *All Levels

Purpose: Free up system resources.

More Info

Open My Computer ( press the Windows & E keys) > right click on each drive and choose Properties > under the General tab, uncheck the box that says Allow the Indexing Service to index this disk for fast file searching > a window will pop up, make sure the box is checked that says Apply change to (drive letter):\, subfolders and files and click OK. Windows will apply the changes, click OK. Once you have done all the drives I recommend you reboot.

Action: Open each folder in a separate part of memory (recommended for 512MB memory and higher) Levels 2 , 3 , 4 (w/512MB memory or more)

Purpose: System stability.

More Info

Open My Computer ( press the Windows & E keys) > go to Tools > Folder Options > View and check the box in "Launch folder windows in a separate process". Reboot now.

***This IS NOT a performance tweak it is a stability tweak. Quote from Microsoft: “When you open each folder window in a separate part of memory, the stability of Windows can be increased. However, this process uses more memory, and may cause your computer to run more slowly.”

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Use IPWRAW as Driver Module For Wi-Fi Card Intel 3945

Wireless Card produced by Intel that i have on my laptop is intel Pro Wireless 3945. Nowadays Intel driver developer release a general driver called iwl3945 that replace the old driver ipw3945. How ever, that driver can't be used to doing some Packet Injection, so some people develop a new driver module that called ipwraw. We can use this module to doing packet injection. That's very nice, but when i use this module i can't browse with my firefox anymore. >.<
I'm sorry if i didn't know the way to do it, but until now, i still can't use ipwraw module to browse. So i make a conclusion that this module is used for injection purpose n monitor mode only. If somebody know the way to do it, please tell me about it..=)
To use ipwraw module, first you must download the driver module and install it on your computer( Search google for the module ) . After that, u must unload the iwl3945, ieee80211 , and mac80211 module. After Finished load the ieee80211 and mac80211 module again, you must also load the ipwraw module. Activated your wireless card on monitor mode to do a packet injection.
In the next post, may be i will post the script to switch between iwl3945 module and ipwraw module. I will also post about how to make the wireless card into monitor mode, and how to do a packet injection.
One more, I'm just a newbie, don't hope to much yach..^^